OPINION | The 2024 Bitcoin Halving is a Significant Milestone on Crypto’s Journey Towards Stability and Maturity

This op-ed is written by Hannes Wessels, Country Head, Binance South Africa.

The recent Bitcoin halving, although not an immediate market-shaking occurrence as was hoped by some, still marks a crucial milestone in Bitcoin’s ongoing journey towards widespread acceptance and credibility as a valuable financial and investment asset. This fourth halving, like its predecessors, is set to have profound implications that extend beyond mere price movements. While price volatility often gets the most attention, the halving’s more meaningful impact lies in the long-term maturation and stability it brings to Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency market.

Bitcoin halving events effectively reduce the number of new Bitcoins mined by half. This reduction intentionally introduces a deflationary supply mechanism that should theoretically cause the price to increase if demand remains constant. Historical data supports this theory, with the past three halvings in 2021, 2016 and 2020 all resulting in an average price increase of around 16% over the 60 days following each event. The 2016 halving, despite an initial price drop of 6%, saw a strong rally in the subsequent year, highlighting the longer-term price impacts of these events.

Typically, significant price action becomes evident around 180 days post-halving, indicating that while short-term volatility is expected, the real effects unfold over a more extended period.

That said, the April 2024 halving event should be viewed within the broader context of significant recent market developments.

In January [2024], Bitcoin ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) were approved in the USA, leading to a massive influx of institutional investment.


This institutional interest propelled Bitcoin’s price from around $41,000 to over $ 76,000 in less than two months, highlighting the profound influence these investment vehicles can have on an asset’s value. The introduction of Bitcoin ETFs not only increased accessibility for institutional investors but also served to broaden the Bitcoin market base, which in itself added valuable stability.

More recently, the approval of Bitcoin ETFs in Hong Kong, although initially met with a muted response, delivered the potential for substantial additional future demand.


The Chinese market, with its immense economic power, could significantly impact global Bitcoin demand as it gradually embraces these financial products. When Chinese investors begin to participate more actively, the investment floodgates could very well open, leading to a massive increase in demand and upward price pressure. These ETF launches in leading global economies highlight the importance of viewing the recent halving within a much broader narrative around Bitcoin’s growing global adoption and institutionalisation.

Another critical factor to consider is the inherent scarcity introduced by the halving. Before the recent event, approximately 900 Bitcoins were mined daily. Post-halving, this number is 450. This reduction in supply, combined with the growing demand from institutional investors and new markets, creates a dynamic where scarcity could drive significant price increases over time – a characteristic most often seen in mature, or maturing, markets.

While these demand drivers are probably enough to push up the Bitcoin price in the latter half of this year [2024], there are even more demand-side factors worth considering. Approximately 4.5% of all available bitcoins are lost annually due to lost passwords and unclaimed deceased estates. In addition, there are several large investors, or ‘whales’ who continue to routinely purchase substantial amounts of Bitcoin, some buying more than 100 Bitcoins daily, which is almost a quarter of all the coins that can now be mined every day.

Against this backdrop, while the immediate post-halving period may not exhibit dramatic price movements, the broader implications of the halving are potentially profound. The reduction in new Bitcoins entering circulation enforces a scarcity that aligns with the deflationary element that was built into Bitcoin’s original design. By systematically reducing the rate at which new Bitcoins are introduced, the halving counters the inflationary pressure that would otherwise have resulted from a consistent mining reward. This deflationary aspect is central to Bitcoin’s value proposition, supporting its role as a store of value and a hedge against broader economic uncertainties.

Some commentators also believe that the halving further contributes to the sustainability of the Bitcoin network by raising transaction fees as rewards decline, thereby incentivising miners to continue their work and securing the network in the long term.


As the market adapts to these diverse dynamics, including the impact of the recent and future halvings, investors can undoubtedly expect continued volatility. But the combination of an effective deflationary mechanism, increasing institutional interest and rising global adoption will support Bitcoin’s appeal as a decentralised financial asset and cement its role in the world’s broader financial ecosystem.




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