CALL FOR APPLICATIONS | i3 Announces 3rd Cohort Seeking to Fund 15 African Healthtech Innovators to Commercialise & Scale Offerings
STABLECOINS | Trump Signs Executive Order to ‘Promote the Development and Growth of Lawful and Legitimate Dollar-Backed Stablecoins Worldwide’
European Union (EU) Passes Crypto Regulations – Here are 9 Key Takeawayskodzilla·May 14, 2023·3 min read
Tether Launches GBP₮ – Tether Tokens Pegged to the British Pound SterlingCryptoGuru·June 22, 2022·3 min read
European Central Bank Selects 5 Payments Companies to Test Out its CBDC Backend, including Amazonkodzilla·October 22, 2022·1 min read