CALL FOR APPLICATIONS | i3 Announces 3rd Cohort Seeking to Fund 15 African Healthtech Innovators to Commercialise & Scale Offerings
STABLECOINS | Trump Signs Executive Order to ‘Promote the Development and Growth of Lawful and Legitimate Dollar-Backed Stablecoins Worldwide’
FUNDING | Egyptian Fintech, Paymob, Raises Additional $22 million in Series B Extension for MENA Expansion After 6x Growth in Egyptkodzilla·September 13, 2024·2 min read
NORTH AFRICA | Egyptian Fintech, PayMob, Receives Inaugural International Fintech PSP License from the Central Bank of Omankodzilla·January 24, 2024·1 min read
Introducing PayMob – An Infrastructure Enabler Powering 85% of Mobile Wallet Transactions in EgyptCryptoGuru·October 30, 2020·2 min read