CALL FOR APPLICATIONS | i3 Announces 3rd Cohort Seeking to Fund 15 African Healthtech Innovators to Commercialise & Scale Offerings
STABLECOINS | Trump Signs Executive Order to ‘Promote the Development and Growth of Lawful and Legitimate Dollar-Backed Stablecoins Worldwide’
The Akoin Cryptocurrency for Africa to Launch on the Stellar Network, Rapper Akon RevealsCryptoGuru·February 29, 2020·1 min read
Kotani Pay Wins $100,000 Grant from the Stellar Development Foundationkodzilla·December 23, 2022·1 min read
INTRODUCING | Stellar and PwC Launch a Financial Inclusion Framework to Assess and Judge Blockchain Projects in Emerging Marketskodzilla·October 11, 2023·5 min read
Kenya One of the First Markets as MoneyGram Launches Global Crypto-to-Cash Service on Stellar Networkkodzilla·June 11, 2022·2 min read
DFS Lab and Stellar Blockchain Launch ‘The Africa Fund I’ to Transform Digital Payments in Africakodzilla·March 31, 2023·2 min read
PARTNERSHIP | British Actor, Idris Elba, Partners with Stellar Network to Explore Blockchain Solutions for West Africakodzilla·October 19, 2023·1 min read