Despite the mixed reactions about Bitcoin and where it is genuine or not, a few merchants have decided to go ahead and accept it has a payment method. One of these people is Betty, the proprietor of Betty’s Place, a restaurant in Nyeri
We spoke to her on phone to determine if truly her restaurant is accepting bitcoins and she was more than happy to assure us that this is a means of payment when you dine there.
Bitcoin Payments Are Real
According to the restaurant owner: “Bitcoin is a means of payment like any other and we accept it here at the restaurant the way we do MPESA and cash.”
So far, according to her, about 3 people have made payments via bitcoin.
When we asked about regulation and whether she has faced any challenges from the authorities, she mentioned that most are just curious and completely unaware of what bitcoin is all about.
The restaurant is located on Kimathi Street, opposite the historical Osman Alluh building, Nyeri Town.
We shall be following up and provide updates on the story as it unfolds.