The Best Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Courses to Take in 2022

Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies offer many opportunities, both as a career and as a hobby. This is a market that, albeit volatile, offers lots of opportunities, whether you are an investor looking for extra income or a professional looking for a new carrier path. However, the crypto and innovative world of blockchain is not always easy to understand. The cryptocurrency market in general is constantly evolving, with its own technology, behind the scenes features, and secrets. 

There is only one way to make sure the crypto wave doesn’t sweep you off your feet.


By taking some of the best blockchain courses out there that won’t just teach you the basics on how to invest in cryptocurrency, like turning ETH to USD.


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In this guide, you will get some of the best products available online.

However, first things first. 

Defining the Terms: Cryptocurrency vs Blockchain Technology

Going back to the roots is always useful, especially if you are new in this world. So, let’s assume you’ve never heard of the cryptocurrency market or of the blockchain. That’s why defining the terms is important. 

The term ‘cryptocurrency’ refers to digital money, from famous examples like Bitcoin to other altcoins like Solana. Secured by top-notch cryptography, this type of virtual currency isn’t issued by any authority. Just the opposite: it’s decentralized. They are digital assets that exist on networks and distributed across various computers. Cryptocurrencies can either be mined (by expert miners who are developers and analysts) or purchased through one of the many exchange platforms. More and more, this digital money is used not only as an investing asset, but also as a payment method. 

On the other hand, blockchain technology is the network through which all crypto transactions happen. It’s, once again, decentralized and verified. Every piece of information and transaction that happens on the blockchain is verifiable. Made of connected blocks, this technology is difficult to hack or forge. While it was born hand in hand with the crypto world, this technology can benefit many more industries. 

So, there is a future in the cryptocurrency market and in blockchain technology. However, these definitions only scratch the surface. To get a much deeper understanding of both, you will need to take a blockchain and cryptocurrency course, either free or paid. 

The Best Blockchain Courses 

Since the entire crypto universe is based on this safe network, understanding its features and characteristics is essential. Here are some of the courses you don’t want to miss: 

  • The Blockchain Council is 100% dedicated to this technology and innovation. There is a wide option of courses, ranging from the ones that stick to the basics to the lessons that go more in-depth. It also focuses on the business side of the blockchain,  which can lead you to new, unprecedented opportunities. 
  • The platform Coursera offers just as many options to learn about blockchain technology. Its varied catalog includes courses with topics such as algorithms, entrepreneurship, and software. And, if you want to explore more of this world, there is always something for you. Some of the courses on the platform come from the best US universities such as Princeton and the University of California at Berkeley. 
  • Cognitiva Class offers a course about the essentials of this innovation. So, it’s great for beginners or as an introduction to this world. The three modules also talk about business and the technology’s benefits. The teachers are IBM employees, so you are learning from the experts. 

These courses are the best options available at the moment and the best part is that they give you freedom to choose. From the very basics to business concepts, you will unravel the world of blockchain technology.

Now, it’s time to learn about digital money. 

The Best Cryptocurrency Courses

Now that you know the technology that keeps it all together, it’s time to learn about the cryptocurrency market with these courses: 

  • Once again, on the platform Coursera, you will find a wide range of options. You can learn about Bitcoin from Princeton University, about financial technology innovations from the University of Michigan, and you can also learn about crypto assets by experts of the industry. All in one platform, which also offers some of the best free cryptocurrency courses out there. 
  • The online platform Udemy has a list of the best cryptocurrency courses, and their most popular two are: The Complete Cryptocurrency Course, and The Complete Cryptocurrency Investment Course which also teaches you how to invest in cryptocurrency.
  • The University of California at Berkeley offers an online catalog of courses for anyone who wants to learn about cryptocurrency. Some of the basic programs are free and the beauty is that you can attend at your own pace. 

As awareness about blockchain and cryptocurrency grows, expect more and more courses to become available. For now, the above courses should get you started.


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