FINTECH AFRICA | Nigerian Investment Fintech, Risevest, Acquires Hisa, a Kenyan Investment Fintech Startup
Here are the 3 African Startups Among 9 Participants in Batch 5 of CV VC’s Blockchain Acceleratorkodzilla·April 3, 2023·2 min read
First-Year Students Win CV Labs Blockchain Hackathon in South Africakodzilla·August 4, 2022·3 min read
Swiss Investment Company, Crypto Valley, Launching Blockchain-Focused Accelerator for Africakodzilla·May 24, 2022·3 min read
CV Labs to Introduce African Startups to the Polygon Ecosystem in New Partnershipkodzilla·November 22, 2022·1 min read
The 6 African Countries Where it is ‘Legal’ to Trade CryptoCurrencieskodzilla·July 22, 2022·4 min read