5 Critical Social Media Mistakes to Avoid for Crypto and Blockchain Companies

In this article, we will discuss some of the most important social media don'ts for crypto and blockchain companies. These are based on the common tendencies companies resort to.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology are growing at a rapid pace, and social media is one of the key channels for companies in this space to communicate with their audiences. However, social media can also be a double-edged sword, and companies need to be careful about what they post to avoid damaging their reputation or getting into legal trouble.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most important social media don’ts for crypto and blockchain companies. These are based on the common tendencies companies resort to.


1.) Don’t Try to Target Many Market Segments

One of the first mistakes people fall for is failing to target efficiently. Trying to target too many audiences can dilute your messaging and make it difficult to create impactful content.

Here are a few reasons why targeting too many audiences can be a problem:

  • Lack of focus: Targeting too many audiences can lead to a lack of focus in your messaging. It can be difficult to create content that resonates with multiple audiences, and you may end up with a message that is too broad to be effective.
  • Ineffective targeting: Trying to target too many audiences can also be ineffective as it’s difficult to create messaging that speaks to the specific needs and interests of each audience. This can result in a lack of engagement and low conversion rates.
  • Resource drain: Trying to target too many audiences can be a drain on resources. It can be time-consuming and expensive to create content for multiple audiences, and it may not provide a good return on investment.

It’s important to focus on a few key audiences that are most relevant to your project. Conduct research on their needs, interests, and pain points, and create messaging that speaks directly to them. Tailor your content to their specific needs, and use language and visuals that resonate with them.


2.) Don’t Buy Fake Followers

One common mistake that companies, including those in the crypto and blockchain space, make on social media is buying fake followers. This practice involves purchasing followers for your social media accounts to increase your follower count and make your profile appear more popular or influential than it really is.

While buying fake followers may seem like a quick way to boost your online presence, it can actually have negative consequences for your brand. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Low engagement rates: Fake followers are typically bots or inactive accounts, which means they won’t engage with your content. This can make your engagement rates look lower than they really are, hurting your credibility and reach.
  • Negative impact on algorithms: Social media platforms use algorithms to determine how often your content appears in users’ feeds. If you have a large number of fake followers who aren’t engaging with your content, this can signal to the algorithms that your content isn’t high-quality or relevant, leading to fewer people seeing your posts.
  • Damage to brand reputation: If your audience discovers that you’ve bought fake followers, it can damage your brand’s reputation and credibility. It may also lead to a loss of trust from your genuine followers, which can be difficult to regain.

Instead of buying fake followers, focus on growing your audience organically by creating valuable content and engaging with your followers. This approach may take more time and effort, but it will ultimately lead to a more engaged and loyal audience, which is more likely to convert into customers and advocates for your brand.


3. Don’t Tag Influencers for Exposure

Another common mistake that some companies make on social media is tagging influencers in their posts in order to gain exposure. This involves including the handles of popular influencers in your posts hoping that they will share or engage with your content and expose your brand to their followers.

While it can be tempting to try to tap into the influencer marketing trend, this approach can backfire and harm your brand in several ways:

  • Annoying influencers: Influencers are often inundated with requests to share or promote content. If your content is not relevant to them or their audience, they may view your tagging as spam and choose to ignore your posts or even block you.
  • Damage to brand reputation: If influencers do share your content, but it’s not relevant or aligned with their brand values or interests, it can lead to negative feedback from their followers. This can damage your brand reputation and hurt your chances of building a strong and engaged audience.
  • Wasted effort: Tagging influencers may seem like a quick and easy way to gain exposure, but it can also be a waste of time and resources. Instead of relying on this tactic, focus on creating high-quality content that is valuable to your target audience and encourages engagement and sharing.

To avoid these pitfalls, it’s important to approach influencer marketing strategically and authentically. Research influencers who are relevant to your brand and have an engaged and loyal following. Develop a genuine relationship with them by engaging with their content and offering value before requesting their assistance with your own marketing efforts.

4. Don’t Overuse Multiple Channels

While it’s important to have a presence on various social media platforms, spreading your resources too thin by trying to maintain a presence on every platform can lead to ineffective or inconsistent messaging.

Here are a few reasons why overusing multiple channels can be a problem:

  • Inconsistent messaging: Each social media platform has its own unique audience and format, and trying to create content for all of them can lead to inconsistent messaging. This can confuse your followers and make it difficult to establish a consistent brand identity.
  • Time and resource drain: Trying to create content for multiple channels can be time-consuming and expensive. It’s important to focus your resources on the channels that are most effective for your brand and your target audience.
  • Burnout: Trying to maintain a presence on too many channels can lead to burnout and fatigue. It’s important to prioritize the channels that are most effective and sustainable for your team and resources.

You need to focus on the channels that are most effective for your brand and your target audience. Conduct research on which platforms your audience is most active on and where your competitors are most successful. Develop a strategy for each platform and create content that is tailored to the specific audience and format.

5.) Don’t Chase Low-Quality Engagement

Low-quality engagement refers to likes, comments, or shares that come from fake accounts, bots, or people who have no genuine interest in your project.

It can be tempting to chase engagement metrics as a way to boost your brand’s visibility and credibility. Doing so, however, can be counterproductive and harmful to your brand for the following reasons:

  • Damaged reputation: If you’re caught using tactics to boost your engagement artificially, it can damage your reputation and undermine your brand’s credibility. Potential investors or customers may be turned off by the lack of authenticity.
  • Ineffective marketing: Engaging with fake accounts or bots can be a waste of resources as they do not have any genuine interest in your project. They are unlikely to convert into customers or supporters, and you may miss out on engaging with real people who are genuinely interested in your project.
  • Risk of account suspension: Many social media platforms have policies against using bots or fake accounts to boost engagement, and engaging in these practices can lead to account suspension or even permanent ban.

Engage with real people who have a genuine interest in your project, and prioritize quality over quantity. Create content that resonates with your target audience, and offer value to them through informative and educational posts.


Social media can be a powerful tool for crypto and blockchain companies to communicate with their audience, but it is important to use it wisely. By avoiding these 5 social media don’ts, you can protect your reputation, avoid legal trouble, and build a loyal following of customers and investors.




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