CALL FOR APPLICATIONS | Binance and AltSchool Africa Partner to Empower 500 Africa Youth with Scholarships in 2025
REGULATION | Morocco’s Crypto Assets Draft Law is ‘Currently in the Adoption Process’, Says Central Bank Governor
AFRICA LAW TECH FESTIVAL 2021: Blockchain and Digital Currencies Session Happening on July 9, 2021CryptoGuru·July 9, 2021·1 min read
Bitange Ndemo Highlights Ongoing Key Blockchain Projects by the Kenya GovernmentCryptoGuru·September 14, 2018·1 min read
ICPAK, Kenya’s Official and Largest Body of Certified Accountants, Running an AML-Crypto Assets SeminarCryptoGuru·September 17, 2020·1 min read
Blockchain Tanzania Community Set to Host a Commencement Blockchain Seminar on June 30, 2018CryptoGuru·June 13, 2018·1 min read