CALL FOR APPLICATIONS | Binance and AltSchool Africa Partner to Empower 500 Africa Youth with Scholarships in 2025
REGULATION | Morocco’s Crypto Assets Draft Law is ‘Currently in the Adoption Process’, Says Central Bank Governor
Tech Lex 101: Law and Blockchain Technology in Kenya – Moringa School MeetupCryptoGuru·April 6, 2018·1 min read
Exclusive Dinner with Finterra Blockchain CEO, Hamid Rashid, Nairobi Kenya on 03/05/2018CryptoGuru·April 27, 2018·1 min read
Aion Network Chief Strategist Talks Broader Company Vision while in KenyaCryptoGuru·May 10, 2018·1 min read
ADAF Holds Nairobi Inaugural Meeting to Establish a Pan-African ICO FrameworkCryptoGuru·May 21, 2018·1 min read
EOS Nairobi Signs an MoU with TechnoBrain for a Blockchain IncubatorCryptoGuru·May 27, 2018·1 min read
ChamaPesa to Screen a Social Savings Documentary on June 22, 2018, in NairobiCryptoGuru·June 7, 2018·1 min read